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Break Through Anxiety

An 8 week face to face healing journey


Hello, welcome to Break Through Anxiety, an 8 week face to face healing journey for getting control of anxiety;  including 4 group sessions to learn techniques to manage anxiety, 2 one to one coaching sessions with me to help you move through any blocks, a supported wotsapp group with your fellow travellers who will be coming on this journey with you and lifetime access to the course materials

This programme is built using my own unique 4 step approach to breaking through anxiety. It's an approach built from working with clients just like you, from my training as a trauma informed breahwork coach and from my own journey. You can find out more about my approach by clicking here


The groups are very small (a maximum of 6 people)I've kept them small so that they are safe, supportive spaces.

Investment £495

Pay in 2 instalments option available

The next programme is now sold out.

Please click below to be added to the waiting list for January 2025


I'm Andrea

Welcome! I'm so glad you are here!

Just so you know you are in good hands, let's get the qualifications bit done.


I'm a qualified personal coach (registered at Associate Level with the International Coaching Federation) and a trauma informed breathwork coach. As a breathwork coach I have over 400 hours of training.

I will show you how to overcome anxiety without needing to numb yourself with drugs or alcohol and  without having to numb your feelings and close down your heart to your loved ones because you needed to protect yourself to cope with the anxiety.

You are probably here because you are at your wits end, your anxiety levels are off the charts, you've tried many other things; some may have worked for a while, some not. You know you have to do something and can't carry on like this. 

I know this, because that's where previous clients were when they came to me and it's where I was before I went on my journey. I used to experience weekly IBS & migraines before I learnt these techniques and how to connect to my body. I have had no incidents of either for over 2 years now and have been alcohol free.

Ready to join me? Thank you for trusting me to take you on this journey. Let's have a look at how it works.


Let me explain to you in under
2 minutes why you are feeling anxious

Break Through Anxiety -
What you will feel after 8 weeks

Using breathwork and approaches that work with the body I will show you how to feel in control again. You will learn how to connect with your body and love the messages that it sends you. These messages will teach you how to manage anxiety and recognise the signs of when you are becoming overwhelmed

Understand how anxiety starts and what your own unique triggers are. We will explore together where anxiety began for you and gently release that trigger. The techniques I will teach you will be with you always to use whenever you need.

You will leave with the tools and knowledge to live the life that you want, knowing that if you do feel anxiety creeping up in the future, you have all the tools and knowledge you need to BREAK THROUGH

Learn how to let go of anxious thoughts, using coaching approaches, breathwork and meditation techniques.  You will no longer become trapped in a downward thought spiral

Become part of a safe, supportive group, going on the same journey together. I will set up a wotsapp group at the start of the journey. I have found these groups become amazing spaces where clients support each other on their journey and share experiences and ideas

Together, we are going to get you to a place of calm and peace again. Connected to your body, feelings and your loved ones.


I will look after you and we will go at your pace; you will get to where you want to be.

What Clients say 

Calm Sea

"From the First Session I was given tools to reduce anxious feelings"


I couldn’t be happier to have been involved in the course. Andrea is supportive, understanding and knowledgeable and the group were welcoming and friendly from the start. From the first session I was given tools to reduce anxious feelings and the two week break between each session allowed me to practice implementing what I had learnt. 

"I would recommend to anyone who wants to take back control of their feelings"


I would recommend the course and Andrea to anyone who experiences any level of anxiety or overwhelm and wants to develop understanding and skills to take back control of their feelings and their body’s responses. 

"It has been life changing"

I have been attending a course with Andrea, and it's been life changing. Andrea has given me the understanding of how to recognise my symptoms, when they start to happen, and how to regulate my nervous system, calm my mind and body, at last I have no more sleepless nights or feelings of overwhelm, I can breathe again! -

What's included

4 live group sessions where we will learn how to connect to our bodies and techniques to calm both mind and body. The sessions are face to face (2.5 hours each session and on a Saturday) and in small, supported groups of a maximum

of 6 people.

A beautiful meditation, breathwork or sound bath at every group session, so you leave feeling completely relaxed

Homemade snacks and nibbles at every session!

Two one to ones with me. You will find that after the group sessions things will begin to surface for you. These will be individual for you (your stuff, if you like) and often unprocessed past events or trauma.

These sessions are a safe space, going at your own pace, with my support for you to begin to let go of these.

A manual containing everything I will teach you, so that you will always have everything you have learnt to hand in the future

Have a look around a previous programme

My 4 step approach to
Break through Anxiety

My unique 4 step approach will show you and support you to break through anxiety, without having to numb yourself with drugs or alcohol or without shutting down to your feelings.

We will cover each of these steps in one of the workshops and I will support you in between the workshop with using the techniques that we learn and working through anything that begins to surface as we gently connect you back to your body and it's signals.

White Sand and Stone

Step 1


At this step, you may have felt that something wasn’t right for some time, but it became normal and you have learnt to operate in that way, adjusting and adapting and it may not have been perfect but you got by. This (by the way) is normal and is how we cope with life.


If we get into a pattern of doing this though, there'll come a time when our bodies cannot deal with that anymore. So here. we recognise and acknowledge we are in the place of wanting to find a different way. 

In the first workshop I'll give you some techniques to use from day one that will help you to do that.

Step 2


In workshop 2,  I will teach you how to reconnect to your body and feelings and start to listen to what they are telling you.

I use breathwork and body based techniques called somatics to do this.


You've probably been fighting or blocking these out because they are too painful.  By reconnecting, you can start to understand what your body needs you to do to let go of anxiety.


I will be there to support you with this and will help you with anything that is difficult in our one to one session. We will go gently, at the pace that your body is ready for. 

Step 3


In workshop 3,  you will understand how anxious thoughts develop and how we change thought patterns and routines. 

We'll also develop a picture of what a good routine looks like for you - what do you need on a regular basis to keep you anxiety free after this programme and how are you going to build that into life


This allows you to learn how to regulate your  own nervous systems - and not to push your system to a point of overwhelm again and risk the anxious feelings recurring. 

Step 4


By this workshop you will know all  the techniques and will have begun to put them into practice. Your levels of anxiety will be falling every single day and you'll begin to feel in a much more stable place.

Now you need to monitor and adjust. I will help you identify how you do this so that you have everything you need going forwards to stay in a great, stable place.

Sign up to be added to the waiting list for the next programme here

Investment =  £495 for the whole programme.

You can sign up to be added to the waiting list for the next  programme below.

Want to ask me some questions?  Let's chat! Book a free call below.

*I offer one space per programme on a 'pay what you can afford' basis. If you'd like to join me, using this option, please contact me using the 'discovery call' button.

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